Flood Mitigation and Standby Emergency Generators
The LaGuardia Houses development, located on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, consists of ten 16-storey buildings constructed in 1957 and 1965. There are 1,093 apartments on site with dedicated residences for the elderly.
Flooding occurred on portions of the site as a result of Superstorm Sandy, and as part of NYCHA’s Resiliency and Renewal Program, MDSA completed a project to provide flood mitigation for the affected buildings. Permanent dry floodproofing installations, with coverage beyond FEMA and NYC Building Code required levels, protect existing building services.
Additionally, a new Electric Service Building has been completed housing new equipment. New stand-by emergency generators and electrical panelboards, meters, transfer switches, etc. are elevated above the Design Flood Elevation to assist in the prevention of future power loss or permanent damage from hurricane-like events.
Size: 10.67 acre site
Construction Cost: $20 million
Construction Completion: May 2020