design decisions are made based on client value rather than pure aesthetics or costs
Good daylighting refers to the capacity for the majority of the spaces provided to be day lit. The careful consideration of spatial form regarding how light travels, settles and diffuses within and between spaces. The use of double height spaces, voids, glass, openings and light enhancing technologies are all techniques we consider to enhance the quality of space.
The use of physical and visual connections increases a sense of environmental awareness which creates a more legible place. Better connected spaces increase the possibilities of how a space can be used, promotes growth in different ways and supports a better and increased use of the building.
our architecture is founded on sound design principles
We use materials not only for their sensory qualities of texture and color, but also inventively integrate them with adjacent elements with technical precision and detailing that yields a refined and sophisticated appearance.

Our Process
Our approach is to explore the hierarchies inherent in any given program and site. We generate inventive spatial solutions through the interaction of these program and site elements, with results that achieve richness through the light, (infra)structure and materials that shape them. MDSA thoughtfully weaves together pragmatic, creative, and economic concerns into good buildings. We excel in an environment that encourages multiple perspectives and varying commentary, which stimulates our drive to make a better architecture.
Our solutions are not preconceived design ideas, but ones that mature through a process of creative collaboration and exploration of how spatial and material solutions can respond to client needs. It is our belief that each project requires a nuanced approach to consistently yield innovative and responsive solutions to complex design issues.
Solution to client needs through clear listening and mutual respect harness a trust rooted in a shared sense of mission.
We take the time to understand the client’s needs by understanding who they are, how they work, what they value and how those may evolve in the future.